Editorial Code of Conduct and Safety Notice

The USPA News Portal allows providers and journalists, in their role as content suppliers, to publish objective reports on relevant topics, independent of third-party interests. Topic areas include economics, media, business, health, lifestyle, Internet, entertainment, culture, sports, celebrities and events.  We used the classic division into various journalistic departments as a guideline. Journalists are obligated to provide objective reports in their own Customized Beat and to refrain from using information they acquire during their research for personal purposes.

In order to convey complex information in a more accessible format than simple text, USPA News makes use of various technical elements of the medium Internet, such as animations. It goes without saying that all editorial content is researched and reproduced with the utmost care. Irrespective thereof, all content is verified by journalists. However, no liability shall be assumed with regard to the timeliness, correctness, accuracy or continued availability of information. Individual contributions reflect the opinions of their authors and not those of USPA News. United States Press Agency News represents no particular political affiliation, all contributions are neutral. Content of racist, right-wing extremist, sexist, misogynic or otherwise discriminating nature is prohibited. Contributors who violate these terms may be subject to deletion of their Customized Beat.

A news portal with international focus such as USPA News is subject to special accuracy and prudence requirements, arising from the speed of the medium Internet. Thus, all providers, journalists and photojournalists are asked to exercise due diligence. Against this background, USPA News assumes no liability for external links. All liability lies solely with the provider of the respective external online offer.

A letter confirming your assignment as an editorial contributor may be provided by USPA News insofar as it is for a specific purpose, i.e. a single event that is explained in detail. Letters confirming assignment are not provided for consolidated purposes or long-term engagements. USPA News reserves the right to refuse or modify any letter confirming assignment. USPA News reserves the right to refuse or modify any status confirmation.

Supplementary information:

Information received in verbal or written form is nonbinding. Emails may be vulnerable, as they may be intercepted and manipulated. If the provider receives an email, e.g. from visitors of the news portal, it is to be assumed that the provider has the right to reply to such email. It should be pointed out, particularly for safety and legal reasons, that information contained in emails is nonbinding. However, a legally binding confirmation in written form may be provided upon request.

As emails are intended exclusively for the recipient they are addressed to or his representative, any unauthorized use, publication, dissemination or multiplication thereof is prohibited.




Daren Frankish


Yasmina BEDDOU




Aurangzeb Akbar
